Slimming jogging

Jogging does not require special equipment and devices, which makes the sport accessible to everyone. Find out how and when to run to lose those extra pounds and beautify your figure!

Girl running to lose weight

Many inhabitants of planet Earth dream of losing weight quickly and getting their bodies back in order. Jogging is a useful, inexpensive, and effective way to lose weight. To start running, every beginner needs to learn a lot of rules and recommendations for such a workout, but if you take into account all the features of the exercises, you can tighten your muscles in a short time, strengthen the body and, most importantly, lose weight. weight noticeably.

Tips for an efficient run

Running is a great way to effectively and painlessly shed those extra pounds and get your body back to normal. To organize the most useful and productive workouts, you need to follow a few rules that will help make them easier and more enjoyable.

How to run correctly to lose weight quickly?These rules must be followed during lessons:

  • An hour before you go on the trail, you need to replenish the carbohydrate intake in the body.
  • Avoid drinking lots of water while running.
  • You must breathe calmly and carefully.
  • When you jog, you need to maintain the correct posture.
  • The legs are always slightly bent at the knees.
  • You don't need to wave your arms as you move, but you also don't have to strain them and press them hard against the body.

Simple running activities will allow you to start shedding those extra pounds in less than a month. Simple rules to follow during training will help you run efficiently and safely for your health.

Weight loss value of running

Every day, those who want to lose weight ask themselves thousands of times: how to run to lose weight? At what time of the day to practice in the morning or in the evening? How often should you exercise?

Get rid of body fat by running

The answer to these questions is very simple: you need to run constantly, and most importantly, regularly.

In order to get rid of body fat while running, you just need to burn more calories than you eat. Today, the realities of the modern world are such that people do not have a standard schedule of life: they go to bed at different times, eat at any time of the day, in some cases do not moveat all or are extremely physically active. . Such an imbalance in life leads to the formation of a reserve of fat in the body, which is quite difficult to get rid of.

Why is jogging so useful for weight loss?

  1. During a run almost all muscle groups are working and the excess weight acts as some kind of weighting agent.
  2. Muscle work starts the process of burning fat tissue.
  3. Running does not require a lot of prior preparation. After reading the instructions, you can start practicing today.
  4. Running is an exercise that is genetically inherent to us. It is safe, natural, affordable, and suitable for people of all ages.

Common myths

Many people who have started exercising or were just interested in jogging for weight loss have heard unusual and conflicting claims about training. Among them, the following myths can be distinguished:

  • You have to run on an empty stomach.Such a statement cannot be correct, because the body needs preliminary nourishment anyway. Nutritionists and trainers recommend that you eat a small portion of complex carbohydrates half an hour before a run, so that you can keep your stomach working and increase its productivity.
  • Jogging promotes the buildup of leg muscles and does not cause fat burning in the legs.There are no separate methods to lose weight exclusively on the lower limbs; To lose weight quickly, running should be combined with full body training.
  • The more calm you run, the faster you burn fat.A rapid rate of "wear and tear" forces the body to consume more oxygen than in silent movement, and for this process the body needs much more energy.
  • For weight loss, jogging in the morning is healthier than afternoon or evening activities, but this approach can cause problems with the work of the cardiovascular system, since a sharp awakening and a high heart load can not have a positive effect on the human body.


It may seem like running is the safest way to lose weight, but it isn't.

Training is contraindicated for people with the following indicators:

  • work abnormalities or diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • injuries of the musculoskeletal system;
  • phlebeurism;
  • blood diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • vision problems, retinal diseases.

To run and lose weight, avoiding possible health complications, doctors recommend observing the following rules.

  • While driving, you don't need to join a breathing account. It is best to inhale and exhale naturally, as the oxygen overload causes dizziness, weakness, and increased blood pressure.
  • Some beginners may have mild asthma at the start of the course. To avoid unpleasant suffocation, doctors recommend walking and running in the woods or on special training grounds located away from highways.
  • Avoid running on cobblestone sidewalks. When running on asphalt, a strong shock load occurs, which can cause injuries to the joints and spine.

Be sure to review your diet and lifestyle before starting classes. To lose weight while jogging, you will have to give up alcoholic drinks, sugary and fatty foods. You should also organize a regular sleep schedule.

How to learn to run correctly

To start jogging for people with extra pounds, it is especially important to observe safety precautions, since very heavy weight during jogging will lead to an increase in the load on the muscles and joints.

The girl began to run to the sound of music

Beginners are advised to follow a few principles that will make training and running with pleasure easier:

  • If you've never played sports or took a long break, you can't start running right away. It is better to devote a few days to fitness walking, and then gradually combine walking with light jogging.
  • Plan an hour's walk. For effective weight loss, you need to be constantly moving. Even a simple free walk will help you lose weight.

Find a business or create the perfect reading list for yourself. New knowledge will always help you not to give up and continue your education, and good music will brighten up your loneliness.

How to start

To understand how to start running correctly for a beginner, you need to determine the required pace and initial loads. For beginners, the following training rules are widely applicable:

  • The frequency of classes is at least twice a week.
  • The starting distance for jogging should not exceed 1. 5-2 km.
  • Young athletes are encouraged to start running in sportswear that repels moisture and stimulates the fat burning process.
  • It is advisable to combine regular jogging and sport walking. This approach builds endurance, which will allow you to increase your running distance in a month.

In addition, in order to get involved in the training process quickly, beginners are recommended to run according to a pre-compiled program. By sticking to the plan, you can overcome the physical stress at first, and then you can enjoy the race afterwards.

How to breathe properly

Normal breathing during running exercises can reduce stress on the cardiovascular system and increase the flow of oxygen to muscle tissue. This process allows for increased physical activity and improves the effectiveness of running for weight loss.

The girl observes the rules of breathing, according to the technique of her stroke

How to breathe well in class? There are several simple rules for breathing, but they are all conditional, all because this process is strictly individual for each person.
When running at normal speed, the human body begins to consume several times more oxygen than in ordinary life. Therefore, improper respiratory process can disrupt the functioning of the lungs and, as a result, health problems.

According to running technique, there are two main types of breathing for men and women.

  1. Regular and optimal breathing for a leisurely jog in the park or on specialized trails. In this case, it is necessary to breathe, starting from the rhythm of the race. Breathing is considered optimal: inhale deeply, 2-3 steps, exhale.
  2. Interval or sprint training. During such races it is impossible to control breathing; in such a situation, one should try to compensate for the lack of oxygen by taking deep breaths and sudden exhalations.

Interestingly, almost everyone in school learned to breathe by running through their nose, but this claim is controversial.

Breathing through your nose is good for your health, however, depending on where you are running, the methods of bringing air into the body should be combined.

What time and how much should you run to lose weight?

Conditionally, running training can be divided into morning and evening. However, everyone should set an alternate time for the lessons. You need to get used to running gradually, clearly defining the load, speed and distance you can overcome in a certain period of time.

In the morning

Jogging in the morning allows you to recharge your batteries throughout the day, but you can not actively perform morning workouts, since high loads will cause an increase in blood pressure, which will lead to fatigue and disruption of the cardiovascular system.

Half an hour of morning jogging for effective weight loss

The duration of morning jogging should not exceed half an hour, since such a duration will allow the body to wake up without causing excessive stress.

To lose weight while jogging in the morning, you need to follow these rules:

  • It is necessary to start classes no earlier than half an hour after waking up, in this case the body will not experience a strong load.
  • Before you run, be sure to warm up a bit. Stretching exercises are great exercises for your body.
  • Before a morning run to lose weight, you can't eat anything. Breakfast shouldn't take place until 15-30 minutes after you've finished. However, going to exercise on an empty stomach is unhealthy, so you should definitely drink a glass of water after you wake up.

Don't hit your internal clock. Choose the training time that works best for you.

In the evenings

Evening classes will be a great alternative to unloading for people who do not spend all their energy during the working day.

Unloading evening

You can run in the evening at any time, but in any case there are certain rules that you must follow.

  • Before running you must eat, but no later than two hours before.
  • It is better to go out on the track immediately after work, because after returning from work, dinner and rest, it will be psychologically very difficult to force yourself out.

Running techniques

How to choose a jogging technique to lose weight? Of course, to get started, it's best to try all of its methods and types and then figure out which ones are right for you. The secret to successfully losing weight while running lies not only in respecting all the rules of training, but also in the pleasure that you should derive from it.

In any case, you should run in such a way that you do not get tired and suffocate, that is, you should start training with a gradual increase in the load, and a wide variety of running programs youwill allow you to develop your own training. system.


Everyone knows the benefits of jogging for the body. Natural movement and even breathing help reduce appetite, burn fat faster, and act as a relaxing element.

It is difficult to explain how to jog correctly, because such jogging is based on the natural and calm movements of a person.

There is such a running technique for beginners, designed for three months of training:

  1. Jogging takes place three times a week. First you need to warm up for 10 minutes, then run at a free pace for 10 to 15 minutes. Then you need to pick up the pace, for 10 minutes you need to run uphill or increase the speed slightly. End the jog with a calm walk for 15 minutes.
  2. Classes are also held three times a week, but jogging is associated with various physical exercises:

    • Workout 1: warm up for 10 minutes, jog for half an hour, stretch for 10 minutes.
    • Workout 2: Walk 10 minutes, walk 15 minutes at a brisk pace, run 10 minutes, walk 5-10 minutes.
    • Workout 3: Warm up for ten minutes, run for 10 minutes, work with a rope for 5 minutes, walk for 10 minutes.
  3. In the third month, training is also carried out in combination:

    • 1 class: warm up for 10 minutes, jog for 40 minutes, walk for 5-10 minutes.
    • 2nd class: 10-minute warm-up, 20-minute jog, alternating active and calm jogging.
    • Lesson 3: 5 minute walk, 10 minute run, 15 minute uphill walk, 5 minute jog, 10 minute walk.

Shuttle bus

The shuttle is a short-distance race that does not exceed a distance of 100 meters. Every person at least once in his life has spent running in physical education at school, its peculiarity is that during the run you have to suddenly stop and touch the limit mark, or go around any obstacle.

Such a workout allows you to build your agility and endurance, and sudden changes in speed will help you lose unwanted weight faster.


Sprint - running short distances at maximum speed. Doctors don't recommend just sprinting for weight loss; such exercises should be included in interval training.

A smooth run, in which the person gives the best, will allow you to lose weight quickly. It should be noted, however, that sprinting produces a heavy cardio load which can negatively affect heart function.

Typically, the sprinter's program is structured as follows.

  • 15-20 minute warm-up: light jogging, stretching, obstacle course can be included.
  • Training: The sprint race can be run over a distance of 100 meters to 2 to 7 kilometers. Beginners are recommended to run between 300 and 500 meters.
  • End of the session 10-15 minutes: an important moment of any jogging, because a good "cooling" allows you to stretch the muscles and relieve you of painful sensations. Finish with a leisurely jog or a full-body stretch.

Never neglect warming up and completing the workout as it helps increase your performance and improve your fitness as a result.

Interval training

Interval jogging is the most effective way to shed those extra pounds, because even after you finish your workout, the body continues to destroy fat deposits, converting them into energy.

How is interval training structured? You can jog at intervals both outdoors and on the treadmill. To do this, you need to determine the running technique and divide the route into time intervals, during which you will increase and decrease the load. For example: jogging for a distance of 50 meters, after 150 meters move at maximum speed, and 100 meters of sport walking.

Short distances

Short-distance running is popular with those who lose weight, as it does not take much time and the effect is achieved as quickly as possible. The short distance training includes:

  • speed races;
  • shuttle race;
  • during interval.

No running-based weight loss program is complete without them.

Workouts, which include high loads, allow you to quickly "dry" the body, as well as build muscle mass, so athletes and bodybuilders often run short distances.

Long distances

In sports, both professional and amateur, long-distance running is the most common. It helps restore order in your body, improve your well-being.

Running long distances builds endurance. To master long routes, you will need not only desire, but also persistence and the correct calculation of strength.

Typically, long runs are overcome by jogging, but for more effective weight loss, elements of load and interval training are often added to regular jogging.

Where to run?

There are many running techniques that can be used to lose weight quickly, but knowing where and on what surface to run is also important. There are the following types of training:

  1. Step :one of the most effective ways to lose weight. This training method allows you to quickly build muscle mass in the legs and lose weight. Jogging is often combined with body wraps to increase sweating. Running stairs is a way to build leg muscles and lose weight
  2. Outside:The most popular and useful form of running. You can run such classes:

    • At the stadium:athletes who have the opportunity to train in stadiums are incredibly lucky, because these seats are equipped with a special rubber coating that dampens the impact force of the legs during the race and prevents the shoes from slipping. In addition, in the stadiums it is always easier to organize a jogging program, all because like-minded people will accompany you, which will not allow you to relax.
    • On asphalt:the most common type of activity, because in a city it is quite difficult to find a place to jog. Since doctors do not recommend running on asphalt surfaces due to the possibility of joint injuries, people who do not have the opportunity to train in the park or in the stadiums should buy special shoes thatreduce the impact force.
    • With a dog:a fun and enjoyable way to lose weight and walk your pet. In such a situation, it is not necessary to have the company of friends or acquaintances, as the dog should always be taken outside. Running calmly with a fluffy companion will keep you fit all the time.
  3. In place:This way of doing things is ideal for shy people, because such a jog can be done without leaving the house. Also, jogging in place can replace warming up before a long run.

    Home jogging to help you lose 5 kg in a week

    The training proceeds as follows: first you need to walk around the room a little at a fast pace, and then start running. There are two ways to run in place:

    • raise the knees high;
    • touch the heels of the back of the thigh.

    Endurance jogging at home will allow you to lose 5 pounds in a week.

conveyor belt

Remember to exercise on a treadmill. This excellent machine can be installed at home or used in your local gyms.

Interval training on a treadmill in the gym

A lot of people are interested in the question: how to run well in the gym to lose weight.

The answer is quite simple: you need to develop an interval training system.

The lesson plan is as follows:

  • 10-minute warm-up - walk at a calm pace;
  • a five-minute run on a slope of 6 to 7 degrees at a speed of 5 to 6 km / h;
  • run without slope at a speed of 10 km / h;
  • movement no speed limit 3 minutes.

This cycle is repeated 5-7 times, depending on the athlete's physical condition. You can develop an intensive training program yourself, based on your initial athletic performance, and any trainer in the gym can help.

Jogging to lose weight men and women

Often, novice athletes are interested in the question of why, during jogging, girls have to try harder to lose weight than men.

Man and woman jogging to be fit

The answer to this question is simple: the stronger sex is genetically more predisposed to run.

Men have stronger joints, their excess weight is "concentrated" in the abdomen, which determines their center of gravity. For this reason, the stronger sex is more tolerant of physical activity and less often sees a doctor due to joint problems.

In women, the center of gravity is located below the waist, which makes them more stable for the offspring, and the extra pounds are located throughout the body, which leads to the appearance of cellulite. To lose weight quickly for girls, doctors and trainers recommend doing fitness or yoga, where all types of movements are aimed at maintaining balance.

In any case, the fair sex should not give up jogging, but when choosing this weight loss system, you should pay special attention to the choice of running technique and the place to train.

Slimming the legs and abdomen

Running to lose weight on the legs and stomach is another myth, as jogging is effective for losing weight all over the body, not just a certain part of it. Of course, with the help of exercises, you can pump your legs, buttocks and abs, however, with this muscle mass all the muscles of the torso and arms are activated.

Slim legs and a toned stomach thanks to running and nutrition

To burn fat while running, experienced athletes are advised to purchase special sports clothes and shoes. Elastic sweatpants keep moisture out, increasing perspiration, while soft, shock-absorbing sneakers will not only reduce the compressive load on the joints, but also improve the elastic effect.

If you really want to jog to lift your belly and reduce the bulk of your legs, you need to develop the right nutritional system. Because if you continue to eat as usual, the extra pounds will disappear very slowly, and you will only get weight loss results after six months or even a year.

It is important to know that in order to lose weight and gain muscle mass, you need to burn more calories than you consume. Therefore, before you start jogging, you need to work out a calorie counting meal plan.

In addition, "harmful" foods should be removed from the diet. These include:

  • Fast food;
  • frozen food;
  • bakery products;
  • soft;
  • preservation.

Observing a fractional diet is very important for losing weight while exercising, since the body does not spend a lot of energy on digesting and assimilating food.

It's important to remember that in order to effectively burn fat while running, you shouldn't overeat before exercising.

Run after 50

It is difficult to start running at any age: at 20, 30 and 60, however, the younger the human body, the easier it is to tolerate physical activity and "get used to" it. . But do not despair and dismiss this idea to improve the health of the body. Running, even at age 50, will allow you to painlessly lose weight, restore heart function, and extend your life for decades.

Elderly woman jogging for weight loss and good heart function

How to start running at an old age, and most importantly, how to do it correctly? If you are over 50 and have an idea to start jogging, the first step is to see a doctor and find out if you have any contraindications to such fillers.

Experts advise older people and beginners with a very heavy weight to start with active walks in the fresh air. Such exercise can be performed daily, until the body gets used to the increased load. After that, you need to move on to a sporting step.

The main thing is to increase the load smoothly, without trying to achieve the results of the younger generation.

There is a technique for "getting into" running for the elderly. The essence of the system is this: for nine weeks you need to walk daily, increasing the pace and distance, that is, if you start training from 300 meters and walk them in5 minutes, next time you will have to overcome 350 meters at the same time and so on. After all, you will be able to walk 4 to 5 kilometers without stress. After you have overcome the two-kilometer route, you can start taking lessons using the same system.